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September 2024 Horoscope for the 12 Zodiac / Sun Signs


The astrological forecast for September 2024 looks bright and promising. The positioning of the Sun is set to bring forth a period of growth and productivity, defying the gloomy atmosphere that often accompanies this period.

This month offers an ideal time for planning and initiating new projects, especially those that have only recently come to fruition. It is also a good time to resolve lingering conflicts and unresolved issues to ensure they do not hinder our progress. A word of caution, however, we should be mindful of our strength and choose our allies wisely.

In terms of work, September 2024 presents opportunities for those who seek to advance their careers or grow their businesses. The stars are aligned to provide an abundance of resources for us to tap into. However, the more we achieve, the more we risk losing our motivation and resources. Therefore, we must remain focused and persistent in our efforts to achieve our goals. The stars do not guarantee success, but they will signal when we make blatantly foolish decisions.

On the other hand, September 2024 may prove to be an important month for matters of the heart. It is a time to eliminate doubts and uncertainties, or else risk losing what we desire. In the family circle, some conflict situations may arise, but they can be anticipated and dealt with if we remain prepared. Single individuals should be bold and assertive, taking advantage of the opportunities that come their way. While it is difficult to predict the exact fortunes of starting new relationships, expanding one’s family is highly favored during this period. Additionally, this is an excellent time to resolve conflicts between parents and children.

Overall, September 2024 presents a time of growth and opportunity, both in our personal and professional lives. While success is not guaranteed, the stars provide us with ample resources and signals to help us make the right decisions. It is a time to be bold and persistent, while also being mindful of our strength and choosing our allies wisely.


Money & Wealth:

  • The financial situation in early September will be mixed, with a bonus and decent salary, but also unplanned expenses. Aries is advised not to succumb to emotional impulses and to approach loan registration procedures carefully.
  • The Aries horoscope suggests taking acting lessons to impress people with eloquence and opening new doors with the assistance of patrons.
  • Venus in Libra helps even the most hardened debaters show miracles of diplomacy.
  • To address financial stress and boost abundance, Aries can benefit from Citrine Bracelet, Aventurine Money Tree, and Frankincense Incense can also help attract financial opportunities and success.

Love & Relationships:

  • Venus in Aries’ romance sector from September 8th onwards ignites passion and creativity in relationships.
  • Single Aries may find themselves attracted to someone intellectually stimulating, while those in partnerships will enjoy deeper connections through shared interests.
  • Aries can benefit from the Ultimate Love Attraction Bracelet to attract love and nurture existing relationships.
  • It is important to nurture relationships during this time and focus on communication. Aries’ articulate and persuasive nature can be useful in expressing their emotions.
  • A Rose Quartz Double Terminated Pendant can also help enhance romantic connections and foster harmony in relationships.


  • Aries is advised to take note of their health and set their body to work properly.
  • Good habits and hard work during Mercury in Virgo can give excellent results and help start new projects.
  • To address health issues and boost well-being, Aries can benefit from The Mala Tree’s Amethyst Mala Necklace can also help promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing through meditation and affirmation chanting.
  • Benefit from the symbol and healing properties of the Om Button Silver Pendant.

Business & Career:

  • Aries is advised to soberly assess their capabilities and the situation as a whole to avoid complications.
  • Creativity prevails over rational thinking during this period, and new projects and important meetings can be held during Mercury in Virgo.
  • To address career-related stress and boost success, Aries can benefit from gemstones like Gold Tiger’s Eye and Labradorite.
  • The Mala Tree’s Failure Protection Bracelet can also help attract opportunities and boost confidence in the workplace.


  • Aries will have to wander around for business or personal matters in the middle of the month, and problems may arise.
  • Success cannot be achieved without difficulty, and attempts to cheat can lead to a loss of reputation.
  • To address travel-related stress and boost protection, Aries can benefit from The Mala Tree’s Ultimate Protection Bracelet can also help ward off negative energy and promote safe travels.


  • Aries is advised to trust their intuition during the Harvest Full Moon in September, as the subconscious mind works actively to direct thoughts in the right direction.
  • In the process of self-knowledge, Aries who have lost the meaning of life can perk up again.
  • Discouragement should not be allowed, and a universal remedy for all adversity is a friendly shoulder provided in time.
  • To promote spiritual growth and clarity, Aries can benefit from Selenite.
  • A Lapis Lazuli Generator can also help enhance intuition and promote mindfulness.



Money & Wealth:

  • Positive changes are expected in the Taurus career but the path to success will not be easy.
  • The energy of the Harvest Full Moon in September will reveal natural potential, helping to develop in the right direction.
  • Taurus should change their approach to work and not rely on chance for success.
  • Venus in Libra will bring many ideas for improving finances.
  • Rigorous calculations will prevent Taurus from giving in to momentary impulses.
  • Hang an Ojo de Dios of Money Attraction for good luck and abundance.
  • Meditate using a Citrine Mala Necklace to manifest wealth and attract financial success.

Love & Relationships:

  • Changes will affect Taurus’ personal life, and dating is a possible reality if they show a little activity.
  • The position of the Sun in Virgo sharpens attentiveness, forcing Taurus to notice all the details of what is happening.
  • A fiery passion will break into life towards the end of September, turning everything upside down.
  • An office romance will break the patterns and make Taurus believe that love is not a hindrance to work.
  • The impact of a weak Mars in Cancer can confuse the cards, slowing down the course of events.
  • Use Rhodonite for attracting love and for healing past relationship wounds.


  • Any extremes in early September are dangerous, and it is necessary to keep emotions under control.
  • To avoid giving up, Taurus needs to train willpower, and sports is the most reliable way to do so.
  • The desire to shine with beauty is commendable, but it can be achieved using available means.
  • Things will settle down by the middle of the month, indicating the correct organization of life.
  • Use Garnet during this period to inject more passion into your life.
  • Wear the Hopelessness Protection Bracelet to aid in your mental health.

Business & Career:

  • Mercury in Virgo focuses Taurus’ attention on important points and useful information, resulting in profitable agreements.
  • The pace of work will be high, and the management will be impressed with the results and may issue an additional bonus.
  • Taurus needs to avoid being manipulated by scammers and not rely on chance for success.
  • According to the horoscope, an office romance will break the patterns and make Taurus believe that love is not a hindrance to work.
  • Taurus should change their approach to work to achieve success.
  • Use a Black Tourmaline Mala Necklace to promote a positive work environment and Amethyst Tumbled Stone to promote mental clarity and focus.
  • You may also wear a Flower of Life Silver Pendant to amplify your intentions.


  • A good decision for Taurus would be to go on a trip by mid-month.
  • Communication with distant relatives or old friends during travel will provide a charge of inspiration.
  • September beckons with adventure, and dating is a possible reality if Taurus shows a little activity.
  • Use a Moonstone Mala Necklace to enhance intuition during travel
  • Wear a Lepidolite Bracelet to reduce stress and anxiety during travel.
  • Carry a Pyrite Raw Stone for manifesting a safe and successful trip.


  • The position of the Sun in Virgo will sharpen your attentiveness, helping you notice all the details of what is happening around you.
  • This heightened awareness will allow you to develop a plan for future actions and eliminate negative attitudes.
  • The influence of Mercury in Virgo will help you focus on important points and useful information, leading to high productivity and success.
  • The desire to shine with beauty is commendable, and a visit to a beautician can help you achieve this using available means.
  • Training your willpower through sports and a hard training regimen will help you avoid situations where you might doubt yourself and want to give up.
  • To enhance your overall well-being, consider wearing a Clear Quartz Double Terminated Pendant. Clear Quartz is known for its ability to amplify energy and promote clarity.


Money & Wealth:

  • Financial problems may arise in early September due to an incorrect assessment of the situation.
  • Under the influence of Venus in Libra, intuition will be heightened, helping to avoid wrong steps.
  • The middle of the month will bring the end of confusion with deadlines and funding, and the support of like-minded people.
  • Good prospects for additional earnings will open up towards the end of September.
  • To boost financial stability, Gemini can use gemstones like Pyrite, Citrine, or Green Aventurine.

Love & Relationships:

  • The focus in September is on work rather than love and relationships.
  • However, communication with like-minded people towards the end of the month can bring inspiration and opportunities for personal growth.
  • To enhance relationships and love life, Gemini can use gemstones like Howlite and Moss Agate.


  • This month, pay attention to your mental well-being, as the New Moon on September 2nd is an ideal time to start a journaling practice or seek therapy if needed.
  • It’s also important to prioritize self-care and stress management to maintain a healthy balance in your life. However, wearing cupronickel and silver jewelry can help replenish energy and boost overall well-being.
  • To further support physical and emotional health, Gemini can use gemstones like Carnelian or Amazonite.
  • Meditate using an Onyx Mala to calm your mind and protect your body from health afflictions.

Business & Career:

  • The horoscope advises Gemini to focus on work in September, as the consequences of actions taken during this time will be felt for a long time to come.
  • The position of Mercury in Virgo will be beneficial for active and sociable people, and real estate investments may be profitable.
  • To boost career success and business opportunities, Gemini can wear the Root Chakra Hamsa Bracelet and the Failure Protection Bracelet.
  • Wear a Sacral Chakra Silver Pendant to boost creativity and passion.


  • This year offers numerous opportunities for both domestic and international travel. In the first half, there are favorable prospects for extended trips, particularly overseas.
  • Up until September, you’ll encounter several chances for such journeys. However, Pluto’s retrograde in Capricorn may influence this by September 2024.
  • Wear the Travel and Accident Protection Bracelet at all times during travel.


  • The Harvest Full Moon in September will be a good time for resolving conflict situations through dialogue.
  • Weak Mars in Cancer may cause ambitions to fade, but Gemini should not give up and continue to pursue its goals.
  • To boost overall success and positive energy, Gemini can use gemstones like Selenite, Lapis Lazuli, or Sunstone.



Money & Wealth:

  • The month of September brings with it many exciting events for Cancer, including the possibility of launching an important project or transferring to a prestigious position, which can boost their financial status.
  • However, Cancer should be careful with documents and money while traveling or on business trips, as problems are likely to arise.
  • To enhance their financial luck and attract abundance, Cancer should hang the Ojo de Dios of Money Attraction.
  • Wearing Jade and meditating using an Aventurine Mala can also boost health luck.

Love & Relationships:

  • Cancer will have success in love, provided their intentions are serious. A fleeting affair will end in complete disappointment.
  • They should keep the details of their personal life to themselves and avoid sharing them with everyone who is nearby at that moment.
  • To enhance their love life, Cancer can wear the Heart Chakra Hamsa Bracelet.
  • Wearing a Mother and Child Elephants Silver Pendant will aid in promoting family love and closeness.


  • Cancer needs to take care of their health in the middle of the month as the weather changes to fall, and the body’s defenses are weakened.
  • They should not delay the treatment of a cold to prevent it from becoming chronic.
  • To boost their immune system and promote good health, Cancer should carry an Amethyst Tumbled Stone.

 Business & Career:

  • With Mercury in Virgo standing for progress, all actions will be with a plus sign, and progress is likely to be made in creativity, and the number of orders will increase.
  • Cancer will succeed in their career, but they need to be careful with documents and money while traveling or on business trips.
  • To enhance their career luck and attract success, Cancer should meditate using a Red Tiger’s Eye Mala. Wearing Labradorite can also enhance intuition.


  • Cancer should not doubt the success of their business trips or trips for personal reasons, but they need to be careful with documents and money as problems are likely to arise.
  • To enhance their travel luck and attract positive energy, Cancer can use gemstones such as Black Tourmaline and Sodalite.


  • The Cancer horoscope predicts victory in legal proceedings, and they can apply to supervisory structures and go to high offices without any refusal.
  • Cancer needs to use the benefits of Mars in Cancer effectively and remember that good must be strong.
  • To enhance their protective energy and attract positivity, Cancer can use gemstones such as Hematite, Obsidian, and Smokey Quartz.



Money & Wealth:

  • The position of the Sun in the sign of Virgo increases the desire for material wealth, but also makes Leo surprisingly frugal.
  • It is necessary to analyze existing assets and determine ways to increase them, with investing in stocks and real estate bringing good returns.
  • Seeking the advice of a specialist is advisable when making financial decisions.
  • The patronage of Venus in Libra teaches a subtle understanding of beauty, which can lead to discovering new talents and generating income.
  • The middle of the month brings increased loads, but it is important to maintain the nervous system and drink soothing teas.
  • Wear a Pyrite Mala and chant Sanskrit wealth mantras to generate wealth and attract money luck.
  • To keep money, wear a Money Loss Protection Bracelet.
  • For additional auspiciousness, Leos can wear Octagram Sacred Geometry Silver Pendant to aid you in inner growth.

Love & Relationships:

  • The month increases activity on the love front for Leo, but quarrels based on jealousy are possible.
  • During the Harvest Full Moon, it is difficult to maintain objectivity and caution is needed to avoid fatal mistakes.
  • Wear a Heartbreak Protection Bracelet to prevent unwanted energies from entering relationships.
  • Family life at the end of September may become pleasantly sharp due to a desire to avoid everyday routine.
  • If the relationship seems to have become obsolete, going on an extreme journey may reignite passion. Look into using Garnet.
  • The impact of a weak Mars in Cancer can confuse things, and switching to energy-saving mode may be necessary.


  • The Harvest Full Moon can heat emotions to the limit, making it difficult to maintain calm and objectivity.
  • Increased loads in the middle of the month can lead to psychosomatic symptoms, and it is important to maintain the nervous system.
  • Switching to energy-saving mode may help avoid breaking down in a fit of indignation.
  • The end of the month is a good time to pump abilities with the help of yoga.
  • Use a Basalt / Lava Stone Bracelet or Life Path Bracelets to protect your health.

 Business & Career:

  • A conscious approach to money can lead to reduced costs and improved financial situation.
  • Increased loads in the middle of the month require proper distribution.
  • Thinking practically and rationally can help resolve controversial issues in favor of Leo.
  • Contacting authorities is beneficial during this time.
  • Light a Palo Santo or a Palo Santo Incense to prevent obstacles to business and career.
  • A Jade Bracelet will help boost the energy of opportunity and prosperity.


  • Your thirst for adventure comes to the forefront this September, offering exciting opportunities for safaris, water sports, or hiking trips, allowing your adventurous spirit to truly shine.
  • To make sure safe travel, wear the PEOPLE WITH BAD INTENTIONS Protection Bracelet.


  • The patronage of Venus in Libra teaches a subtle understanding of beauty, which can lead to discovering new talents and generating income.
  • The end of the month may bring a desire to avoid everyday routine and try something extreme.
  • Use a Moonstone Bracelet to improve overall well-being for Leo.



Money & Wealth:

  • Virgos can expect progress in business if they think outside the box and act confidently.
  • A change of activity will favorably affect the financial situation, and it’s best to invest extra funds in education.
  • The Virgo horoscope advises removing barriers that hinder development and continuing training to master unique skills.
  • Thanks to Venus in Libra, problems will be quickly resolved without leaving a negative mark.
  • Virgos need to solve the housing issue in a radical way if they’re not satisfied with their current situation.
  • To boost financial success and confidence, Virgos can try Red Jasper and Picture Jasper this month.

Love & Relationships:

  • Virgos take the issue of finding a soul mate very seriously, which can scare off a potential partner.
  • The Virgo horoscope suggests a little coquetry in communication does not hurt.
  • With the Harvest Full Moon in September, great success can be achieved, and Virgos are waiting for a new interesting job.
  • Interesting meetings can happen on a trip, and Virgos can make new friends and important patrons.
  • To attract romantic love, Virgos can use the Ultimate Love Attraction Bracelet.
  • The Virgo may also meditate using an All-Garnet Mala.


  • The Virgo horoscope advises Virgos to splurge on beauty treatments if the soul needs updating.
  • Household routine can make life boring at the end of September, but Virgos can see a wide field for experimentation.
  • To improve physical and mental health, Virgos can wear the Stress Protection Bracelet.
  • Hanging the Ojo de Dios of Wisdom can also be beneficial for Virgos this month.

Business & Career:

  • The ability to maneuver between circumstances and people is a valuable quality for Virgos.
  • The Virgo horoscope advises Virgos to be a leader and continue training to master unique skills.
  • Virgos can expect progress in business if they think outside the box and act confidently.
  • Thanks to Mercury in Virgo, patronage is guaranteed when matters are necessarily brought to an end.
  • Make sure to wear your Failure Protection Bracelet to make sure that nothing will hinder your projects and tasks.
  • Enhance your personal growth by wearing a TREE OF LIFE WITH FILIGREE (Round) Silver Pendant.


  • In the middle of the month, Virgos will experience an itch to travel, and the general Virgo horoscope for September 2024 predicts unforgettable adventures.
  • Interesting meetings can happen on a trip, and Virgos can make new friends and important patrons.
  • Wear the Throat Chakra Hamsa Bracelet and the Travel Protection Bracelet to assist you in having a wonderful vacation, without the hiccups.


  • In the first days of September, Virgos will have many ideas for rebuilding life and may have doubts about their professional future.
  • Virgos will be receptive to everything beautiful, from communicating with pleasant people to visiting picturesque places.
  • The guarantee of success is the patronage of Mercury in Virgo when the matter is necessarily brought to an end.
  • To enhance intuition and creativity, Virgos can try wearing and meditating using the Lapis Lazuli Mala.



Money & Wealth:

  • The Libra horoscope for September 2024 promises success in study and work with innovative ideas swarming in the mind.
  • If calculated risks are taken, plans will come true, but a negative Sun in Virgo may increase self-discontent and complexes.
  • Undeserved criticism should not be taken to heart, and the situation will soon be resolved.
  • The Harvest Full Moon in September allows for introspection and the search for true desires, as well as working on the image.
  • To address financial worries, Libra can benefit from the energy of Petrified Wood.

Love & Relationships:

  • The first days of September may be overshadowed by family quarrels, but Libra should not impose their opinion on their partner.
  • Leadership ambitions should be moderated, and personal interests compromised.
  • To address relationship issues, Libra can benefit from the energy of Rhodochrosite.
  • Ignite your passion using Ruby or Garnet.


  • Hidden tension can cause psychosomatic disorders, and apathy may set in, necessitating urgent relaxation.
  • Swimming, fitness, yoga, or other forms of relaxation can help achieve harmony.
  • Small tricks may be necessary to address the weak energy of Mars in Cancer, even though there is no direct threat to Libra’s well-being.
  • To address health concerns, Libra can benefit from the energy of the Health Protection Bracelet and the Clear Quartz Mala Necklace.
  • Wearing a CROWN CHAKRA Silver Pendant to balance your energy flow.

Business & Career:

  • The flow of tasks will decrease by the middle of the month, with work moving at a comfortable pace.
  • Focus on advanced training, and conscientious work under the guidance of an experienced mentor will help achieve mastery.
  • Rest is an important component of success, and even a short vacation can help completely reboot.
  • To address career concerns, Libra can benefit from the energy of a Citrine Gem Tree on Quartz and meditate using a Clear Quartz Generator.


  • September 2024 usher in a focus on cultural exploration and personal growth. Engage with local customs, languages, and traditions, as you indulge in art, history, and the depth of cultural experiences.
  • A romantic getaway can rekindle past passion, thanks to Venus in Libra enabling the avoidance of crisis situations.
  • Make sure to bring a Clear Quartz Mala to amplify your manifestations during travel and to protect your health and aura.


  • The Libra horoscope for September 2024 suggests that parties and communication may be the best vacation options.
  • Surrounding oneself with strong people whose authority is not questioned, watching motivational films, and reading stories of successful people can address weak energy concerns.
  • To address general concerns, Libra can benefit from the energy of Tree Agate.



Money & Wealth:

  • The month will start positively for Scorpios, and troubled deals will be successfully closed.
  • Scorpios will become frugal and will invest their money in worthwhile businesses or direct them to accumulation.
  • The Harvest Full Moon in September will put everything in its place and help Scorpios make important financial decisions.
  • Scorpios should be careful with their spending and avoid impulsive purchases.
  • The Scorpio horoscope recommends that Scorpios prioritize their financial goals and work hard to achieve them.
  • Wearing a combination of Jade Bracelet and a Petrified Wood Mala will be helpful in manifesting wealth.
  • Hanging an Ojo de Dios of Wealth will attract abundance and prosperity.

Love & Relationships:

  • Scorpios will face a lot of troubles associated with relatives, but spending time with family will be priceless.
  • The first days of September will bring new acquaintances and interesting communication.
  • Scorpios should trust their intuition when it comes to relationships and work on creating deeper connections with their loved ones.
  • The Scorpio horoscope advises Scorpios to be patient and avoid conflicts in their relationships.
  • Scorpios should focus on building trust and mutual respect with their partners.
  • Whether you’re single or in a relationship, it is advised to wear a Unakite Bracelet this month.


  • Scorpios should be proactive about their health and schedule a preventive visit to the doctor.
  • Venus in Libra will increase Scorpios’ intuition and ability to anticipate health problems.
  • Scorpios should take care of their mental health and avoid stress as much as possible.
  • The Scorpio horoscope recommends that Scorpios create a healthy routine and stick to it.
  • Scorpios should prioritize their sleep and make sure they get enough rest.
  • Guard your physical health with the Health Protection Bracelet and your mental health with the Stress Protection Bracelet.
  • Wear an Om and Lotus Silver Pendant to promote harmonious vibrations.

Business & Career:

  • Scorpios may experience a recession in their career due to a lack of motivation.
  • Scorpios should trust fate and wait for new opportunities to arise.
  • Scorpios should work hard to show their professionalism and claim a leadership position.
  • The Scorpio horoscope advises Scorpios to sort out their priorities and keep a book of desires to get closer to their dream.
  • Scorpios should be patient and not expect quick results.
  • Meditating with a Carnelian Mala is advised this month.
  • Hang the Ojo de Dios of Protection at work or place of business to keep negative afflictions away.


  • Scorpios will have interesting acquaintances and unrestrained flows of information during travel for business and personal matters.
  • The Scorpio horoscope advises Scorpios to embrace new opportunities and not put off traveling until later.
  • Venus in Libra will increase Scorpios’ intuition and ability to anticipate the consequences of their actions.
  • Scorpios should be open-minded and flexible when it comes to travel plans.
  • The Scorpio horoscope recommends that Scorpios take advantage of their time traveling to explore new places and cultures.
  • It is recommended that you wear Aquamarine, a stone for courage and adventurous spirit to inspire travel and exploration.


  • Scorpios should avoid despondency and trust in fate.
  • Scorpios should focus on their goals and be patient when waiting for results.
  • The Scorpio horoscope advises Scorpios to be proactive about their mental and emotional health.
  • Scorpios should stay open-minded and flexible when it comes to unexpected changes.
  • Scorpios should focus on building strong relationships with their loved ones.
  • Meditating with a Labradorite Mala this month and chanting affirmations will promote resilience and adaptability.



Money & Wealth:

  • Financial stability will be maintained throughout the month.
  • Income will be received on time, and sudden expenses are not expected.
  • It is a good time to pay off existing debts.
  • Creditors may be generous and write off part of the amount.
  • Under the influence of Venus in Libra, many issues are resolved faster and easier.
  • Placing a Fynchenite Generator near your bed can help activate wealth energies while wearing an Aventurine Bracelet to draw in more physical wealth this month.

Love & Relationships:

  • Relationships will be based on blind love rather than rationality.
  • Partner’s shortcomings will not matter, and only positive moments will be focused on.
  • It is a good time to go back to the basics and focus on the little things.
  • Mercury in Virgo will help understand the ups and downs of relationships.
  • Emotions should be controlled to handle delicate matters elegantly.
  • Wear a Higher Heart Chakra Bracelet to summon the energies of deeper love into your life, whether you are single or in a relationship.


  • The position of the Sun in Virgo will increase discipline and contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Healthy habits can be acquired with little to no effort, by going step by step toward the intended goal.
  • It is a good time to take up a hobby and discover new facets of talent.
  • Physical activities such as swimming or water aerobics are excellent for restoring vitality.
  • The chaotic end of September may cause mistakes and failures at work, leading to a need to restore vitality.
  • Lighting a Seven Chakras Incense every morning will clear bad juju.
  • A combination of Clear Quartz and Health Protection Bracelet will serve as a shield to health problems this month.

Business & Career:

  • There will be a decline in activity at the beginning of the month.
  • Before taking action, goals should be set to avoid wasting energy.
  • Harvest Full Moon in September will bring opportunities to discover new facets of talent by delving into hobbies.
  • Trade deals and negotiations should be postponed during rationality-focused Mercury in Virgo.
  • Mistakes and failures may occur at work towards the end of the month.
  • Carry a combination of Aventurine Tumbled Stone, Yellow Calcite Tumbled Stone, and Pyrite Raw Stone in your pocket or bag to bring in opportunities and success at work or business.



  • Sagittarius will stand on their feet even when weak Mars in Cancer confuses the cards.
  • It is a good time to come up with something exclusive as a hobby, such as perfumery.
  • Venus in Libra will make it easier to resolve conflicts.
  • Sagittarius should avoid direct collisions and focus on elegant solutions.
  • If the month gets busy for you, meditate using a Fluorite Classic Mala to aid you in getting on top of things, tasks, and schedules.
  • “The Round Om” Silver Pendant will help you attune yourself to the Universe and your purpose.



Money & Wealth:

  • The middle of the month will be calm financially despite significant costs.
  • A large bonus is predicted, which will motivate Capricorn to work even harder.
  • The period is good for settling controversial issues and participating in lawsuits.
  • Capricorn can treat themselves to buying a luxurious outfit and having dinner at a restaurant before rushing into the maelstrom of affairs.
  • It is a good time to be responsible and prudent with finances.
  • A Pyrite Bracelet and an Aventurine Money Tree can boost your money luck.

Love & Relationships:

  • Personal life will develop successfully, and timid lovers will finally confess.
  • Established harmony will contribute to career success.
  • Relationships will move to another level and become idyllic.
  • Capricorns will have to come out of the shadows if the relationship started at work.
  • The iron will and strong character of Capricorn will help them reverse any trend.
  • Raw Kyanite will be a key talisman when it comes to communication this month.
  • Carrying a Raw Ruby will give you more charm if you are single and more love from your partner if you’re in a relationship. Always keep one near your auric field.


  • Autumn reminds us of the transience of life, and Capricorn should focus on establishing proper nutrition and giving up bad habits.
  • The body’s strength is not endless, and meditation on a candle flame is recommended to replenish internal resources.
  • A Seven Chakra Bracelet will make sure that your chakras are balanced and aligned.

Business & Career:

  • Capricorn will likely have a chance to climb the career ladder in the first days of September.
  • The final result will depend on the initiative taken.
  • There may be a proposal for a transfer to a new position, and Capricorn should be ready for changes in life.
  • Capricorn will show himself to be an excellent business executive.
  • The period is good for solving all problems at once.
  • Hang an Ojo de Dios of Wish Fulfillment to help you in fulfilling your wishes related to work and business.
  • A Red Tiger’s Eye Bracelet can also be of assistance in these aspects this month.
  • Boost the energy of business success with a Hanuman Silver Pendant.


  • In September 2024, prioritize strengthening family bonds by traveling with family and friends.
  • The period offers perfect opportunities for reunions and creating lasting memories with your loved ones.
  • Wear a Travel Protection Bracelet and a Scam Protection Bracelet this month should you decide to travel.


  • The position of the Sun in the sign of Virgo requires discipline and willpower.
  • Capricorn feels like a fish in water in such a situation.
  • The Harvest Full Moon in September encourages Capricorn to act.
  • Household chores will not be a burden and will inspire change.
  • Under Venus in Libra, a lot of attention is paid to aesthetics.
  • Meditating using a Moonstone Mala is always a good idea.



Money & Wealth:

  • Aquarius will experience financial stability and comfort during the month of September 2024.
  • There is a craving for hoarding and a successful search for an additional source of income.
  • The Harvest Full Moon in September will open a streak of luck, and there are chances of a successful acquaintance.
  • However, weak Mars in Cancer can deprive Aquarius of willpower, so they need to be careful with their expenses.
  • A calming herbal tea with chamomile, jasmine, and mint can help solve the problem.
  • Wear a Money Loss Protection Bracelet to make sure that you keep your wealth. Partner it with Citrine for the multiplication of wealth.
  • Wear a Star of David Silver Pendant, a symbol of hope, faith, and protection, making this pendant a powerful talisman that can bring comfort and strength to its wearer.

Love & Relationships:

  • Aquarius will experience an unexpected turn of events in their love life, and a long-time partner will show themselves from a new side.
  • The search for a soulmate on the internet will lead to disappointment, and live communication is necessary for progress.
  • The Harvest Full Moon in September will open a streak of luck, and Aquarius has every chance of a successful acquaintance.
  • Live communication is essential, and intuition will set thoughts in the right direction.
  • Weak Mars in Cancer can create mood swings, and herbal tea can help calm the nerves.
  • Carry an Amethyst Tumbled Stone with you to enhance intuition and connection.
  • A Rose Quartz Generator or Tumbled Stone will aid in emotional healing, forgiveness in relationships, and strengthening partnerships.


  • Aquarius will have a happy and appropriate mood in September 2024, and the situation will last long enough.
  • They can take care of themselves and spend time with family while immersing themselves in a hobby.
  • Mercury in Virgo will help with the right decisions during critical times.
  • Weak Mars in Cancer can cause mood swings, and herbal tea can help calm the nerves.
  • Meditate with a Clear Quartz Mala Necklace for overall healing and balancing energies.
  • Light a California White Sage Incense for relaxation and calming the mind.

Business & Career:

  • Aquarius will experience a qualitative breakthrough in their career, and the situation will develop rapidly.
  • Thanks to Venus in Libra, they can achieve a stunning effect and experiment with colors and styles.
  • Presentations will be successful, and orders will pour in from all sides.
  • Mercury in Virgo will help with critical decisions and self-demanding.
  • Weak Mars in Cancer can create mood swings, and herbal tea can help calm the nerves.
  • Use a Lapis Lazuli Tumbled Stone to enhance wisdom and decision-making skills in career and business.


  • In September 2024, you might find yourself drawn to artistic and spiritual activities. September is a great month for creative getaways or trips to places filled with art and spiritual significance.
  • Wear a Hematite Bracelet for protection and grounding during travel. Carry a Black Obsidian Tumbled Stone to ward off negative energies during travel.


  • The general horoscope offers to seize the moment and purchase several lottery tickets. Wear an Aventurine Bracelet and rub it each time you buy a ticket to increase your chances of winning.
  • Aquarius will experience a qualitative breakthrough in their life, and the situation will develop rapidly.
  • The position of the planets will provide a boost of energy, and it is recommended to use this positive period to achieve personal goals.
  • Weak Mars in Cancer can create mood swings, and herbal tea can help calm the nerves.
  • For general luck, wear a Mystic Knot Silver Pendant.



Money & Wealth:

  • Clarity and closure will allow Pisces to move forward and improve their financial situation.
  • Career opportunities may arise, but it’s important to navigate according to the situation and not rush into anything.
  • Perfectionism will be a driving force in all areas of life, including finances and purchasing decisions.
  • The housing issue will be successfully resolved, leading to a possible housewarming celebration.
  • Success in teamwork will bring brilliant financial results.
  • Place a Citrine Money Tree in the most prominent place in the household to attract abundance and prosperity.
  • Use a Pyrite Stone to boost confidence and assertiveness in financial decision-making.
  • Wear a 9-Eye Dzi Silver Pendant to boost your money and wealth luck.

 Love & Relationships:

  • Tensions in the team may cause problems, so it’s important for Pisces to distinguish fair remarks from unnecessary criticism.
  • The aesthetic worldview of Venus in Libra will allow Pisces to find joy and inspiration in the beauty around them.
  • Perceiving the desire to escape into the world of illusions is not a weakness, but a way to find strength and inspiration.
  • The middle of the month will bring harmony in relationships if life is built on goodness and justice.
  • Meditate with a Rose Quartz Mala Necklace for self-love and opening the heart chakra.
  • An Ojo de Dios of Kindness will also be beneficial to your relationships.


  • Increased stress can be handled by proper training and nutrition.
  • Perfectionism will drive Pisces to maintain order in everything, including behavior and appearance.
  • The body is able to withstand the increased stress, allowing Pisces to push themselves in terms of physical health.
  • Yoga and aromatherapy with lavender and calamus can further enhance health and well-being.
  • The influence of Mars in Cancer is positive, leading to ease and balance in physical and emotional health.
  • Wear Clear Quartz and/or the Health Protection Bracelet to shield you from potential health problems this month.
  • Light a Yin Yang Incense every morning for grounding and stress relief.

 Business & Career:

  • The level of criticality will rise with the Sun in Virgo, so it’s important to pay attention to every detail.
  • The Harvest Full Moon may bring opportunities for career advancement and financial improvement.
  • Collective interests will come first, leading to success in teamwork and projects.
  • Perfectionism will drive Pisces to excel in their work and decision-making.
  • Increased workload may be overwhelming, but the new position will lead to improvement in the financial situation.
  • Wear a Ganesh Silver Pendant to break obstacles at work or in business.


  • You might start seeking deeper connections and cultural experiences this period.
  • September is perfect for meaningful interactions with diverse communities, family reunions, or trips to historically significant places.
  • Wear a Karmic Debt Protection Bracelet during your travels.


  • The Sun in Virgo will heighten your criticality, making every little thing matter. It’s essential to distinguish between fair remarks and baseless claims to maintain harmony in all areas of life.
  • Venus in Libra will change your aesthetic worldview, helping you ignore negativity and focus on the beauty in life. This shift will improve your overall well-being.
  • Do not see the desire to escape into the world of illusions as a weakness. Finding joy and strength in beautiful things will help you achieve your goals and maintain a positive outlook.
  • Feeling good in the middle of the month indicates a harmonious existence. Living according to the principles of goodness and justice will ensure that your soul and body do not experience pain.
  • The motto for this period is order in everything: finances, behavior, thinking, and appearance. This holistic approach will contribute to your overall well-being.
  • To enhance your overall well-being, consider using a Clear Quartz Generator Clear Quartz which is known for its ability to amplify energy and promote clarity.
  • You may also use a Carnelian Bracelet this month for boosting creativity and motivation.