Welcome to THE MALA TREE®, the #1 crystal and dharma shop in the Philippines and

the #1 stringer of hand-knotted mala in Southeast Asia.

Etheral Mala Collection

Etheral Mala Collection

Introducing The Mala Tree's Newest Collection: The ETHEREAL MALA COLLECTION

Immerse yourself in a world where nature’s enchanting mystique meets unparalleled craftsmanship. The Ethereal Mala Collection is a breathtaking array of hand-knotted mala necklaces that seamlessly blend the potent energies of carefully selected gemstones with the radiant brilliance of Swarovski crystals. This collection invites you to experience something truly unique—a union of materials and metaphysical magic like never before.

Key Features of the Ethereal Mala Collection:

  • Inspired by the Concept of "Ether": At the heart of this collection lies the concept of "Ether," a subtle force that weaves through every corner of the Universe, connecting all beings to the Divine. Representing the unknown and mystical upper realms, Ether is beautifully captured in these malas. Our collection embodies this ethereal essence, merging the profound metaphysical properties of gemstones with the luminous allure of Swarovski crystals.

  • Healing Properties of Gemstones: Each gemstone is thoughtfully chosen for its unique healing properties, designed to amplify your intentions, cultivate balance, and encourage spiritual growth. Every stone is paired to Swarovzki Crystals to ensure a harmonious synergy, acting as a conduit to channel energy and enhance your spiritual journey.

  • Radiance of Swarovski Crystals: With their unmatched brilliance, the Swarovski crystals elevate these malas to celestial heights. Their ability to refract light into a spectrum of colors mirrors the universe's magic and infinite possibilities. These crystals not only add a celestial sparkle but also amplify the energies of the gemstones, inviting a deeper connection to the Universe.

  • Ethereal Beauty: The term "ethereal" signifies a delicate beauty that appears almost otherworldly, an ideal reflection of the essence of this collection. Each piece embodies the lightness and elegance of the ether, offering wearers a tangible connection to the unseen forces that guide us.

  • Artisanal Craftsmanship: Handcrafted by skilled artisans with a deep intention for healing and transformation, each mala is more than a mere adornment; it is a sacred tool for spiritual empowerment and growth. The meticulous hand-knotting process ensures durability and enhances the flow of energy through each bead.

The Ethereal Mala Collection is a masterpiece—a harmonious fusion of the metaphysical and the magnificent. Wear these malas as a gentle reminder of the boundless potential within the ether's realm and the profound energies these exceptional materials hold. Let them accompany you on your spiritual journey, inviting you to indulge in their beauty and discover the limitless possibilities within yourself.



Ether, often considered the fifth element in ancient philosophies, represents the boundless space that supports growth, creativity, and transformation.

• Ether: The Essence of Possibility

Ether provides spaciousness that nurtures growth and creativity. It allows ideas to flourish, giving birth to new thoughts and inspirations. In everyday life, ether encourages us to open our minds and hearts, fostering a connection to something greater than ourselves.

• The Metaphysical Bridge to Intuition

Ether acts as a bridge to our intuition and higher consciousness. It creates silent spaces for us to listen to the whispers of our inner wisdom. By connecting with ether, we gain clarity and insight, allowing us to make decisions that align with our true selves.

• Fostering Emotional Balance Through Ether

Ether plays a crucial role in maintaining emotional balance. It offers the spaciousness needed to release past burdens and welcome new experiences with grace and openness. This element encourages us to let go of what no longer serves us, making space for healing and renewal.

• The Quiet Backdrop of Change and Growth

Ether serves as the quiet backdrop that supports all movement and change within us. Embracing this ethereal essence helps us cultivate a deeper connection with our inner world and the universe. By leaning into the subtle power of ether, we enrich our spiritual journey and enhance our capacity for empathy, creativity, and joy.

This ethereal essence is not just an abstract concept but a vital component of our inner and outer worlds, allowing us to expand beyond our limitations.

By understanding and embracing the ethereal essence, we can tap into a deeper sense of intuition, balance, and spiritual connection that guides us toward a more authentic and purposeful life.

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