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BLACK OBSIDIAN Piyao Bracelet (Real Gold-Plated Silver)

₱ 1,700.00
40.00 Grams
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Made from Real Gold-Plated Silver. You benefit from the healing properties of gold and silver.
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Product Overview


The Piyao (The Fortune Beast) is a very powerful Feng Shui symbol. According to myth, during the Jade Emperor’s birthday in Heaven, the Piyao (or Pixiu) ate all the gold and silver inside the palace. The Jade Emperor punished the Piyao by restricting the Piyao’s diet to GOLD and by preventing it to expel the gold he has eaten, too. Since then, this mythical creature has been a symbol of wealth acquisition and preservation. The Piyao is the youngest (9th) son of the Dragon King and with its large fangs can attack evil spirits and demons. He drains their spirit essence and converts it to wealth. As winged lion, its courageous stance and fierce expression wards off evil spirits and protects its owner from accidents and dangers. An obedient and loving companion, he is a favorite amongst traditional Feng Shui practitioners.


The 12 Blessings of the Piyao / Pixiu:
1.) Attracts good fortune and wealth luck.
2.) Protects the house, the office or the person wearing it.
3.) Showers any space with good Feng Shui energy.
4.) Appeases the Taisui (Grand Duke Jupiter).
5.) Promotes travel luck and protection.
6.) Keeps and magnifies the wealth and get the money moving.
7.) Increases chances of receiving unexpected wealth (windfall luck).
8.) Gives its wearer a good quality life (all aspects, full circle).
9.) Instills love and harmony in your relationships.
10.) Increases one’s fame and reputation luck.
11.) It wards of evil and people with bad intentions.
12.) It fulfills its owner’s wishes and safeguards the owner’s health, too.


SILVER (The Ultimate Healing Metal) is the metal of love, mind, and emotions. When combined with healing crystals and gemstones, Silver amplifies the qualities and powers of the stones. It brings patience and perseverance. The gentle flow of energy between the jewelry and the wearer is enhanced by the connection that Silver makes to the skin.
Silver is a metal associated with the Moon and it has the power to enhance the nurturing powers of the Moon especially during New Moon or Full Moon. This metal also reflects the negativity of the wearer and disperses it to the Universe where it is neutralized. It also shields the wearer from evil intent.

GOLD (The Metal of Overflowing Abundance) represents the clarity of the spiritual facet of “All That Is.” Aside from being an excellent mineral for purification of the physical body. Gold, called the “Master Healer,” provides insights that open oneself to the realm of complete understanding. It also represents wealth.

BLACK OBSIDIAN (The Stone of Truth) helps to protect the very sensitive against depression. It is the stone of the soft-hearted and gentle people of the world. Use obsidian to help block negativity of any kind. As a black gemstone, it symbolizes self-control and resilience. Black stones have protective energies in the sense that black is the absence of light, and therefore, can be used to create invisibility. Black obsidian has the aura of absolute mystery. Its energy draws you in softly, but very deeply, which makes the presence of black obsidian powerful in many ways 

It is often used for psychic protection because it repels negative energy and protects the wearer from absorbed negativity. Black Obsidian is also excellent for grounding and centering, helping to keep you balanced during chaotic or stressful times. It can also help shield you from outside influences or entities that may be trying to control or manipulate you.

Black obsidian can be very helpful in attracting your perfect mate. It can also help you to release negative patterns of behavior and thought that may be sabotaging your relationships. Black obsidian can be used to help cleanse and purify your energy field, as well as the energy of your home or office. It can also help to absorb negative energies from the environment. Black obsidian is a stone of deep transformation and can assist you in releasing negative patterns, events, people, or situations from your past that are no longer serving you.

BLACK OBSIDIAN should be kept if so that no one can lie to you. It is a grounding stone that dissolves negativity and clears away, stored emotional issues. It can have a deep impact on the subconscious mind. This is because it increases mental control and provides enormous focus in order to achieve a variety of goals in a safe manner. Black obsidian offers release from spells, rituals, bindings and contracts at all levels. It also offers defense against psychic attacks when carrying it in their pocket or around their neck to protect them from outside influences such as cell phone signals or satellite waves which could otherwise be harmful to the body and mind. Black Obsidian removes unhealthy patterns such as resentment, anger or co-dependency by transmuting these feelings into pure joy.

Black Obsidian is traditionally used to end bad habits. It's called the "Stone of Endings" because not only does it help you move on, but it also helps your energy stop straying back to the same bad habit. Just let go and pop one in your pocket for days when nothing seems to be working out.

Black Obsidian is also known as the stone of peace, making this crystal an excellent choice for anyone who needs some calm, gentle guidance during periods of inner turmoil or emotional chaos.

It helps to protect the very sensitive against depression. It is the stone of the soft hearted and gentle people of the world. Use obsidian to help block negativity of any kind. As a black gemstone, it symbolizes self-control and resilience. Black stones have protective energies in the sense that black is the absence of light, and therefore, can be used to create invisibility. Black obsidian has the aura of absolute mystery. Its energy draws you in softly, but very deeply, which makes the presence of black obsidian powerful in many ways.